Ability Inclusive Resources (AIR)

“It is our goal to make communication more accessible for everyone. That is why we founded Ability Inclusive Resources (AIR). At AIR, we believe that everyone has the right to communicate regardless of their ability. We want to use our knowledge to help others learn to communicate and teach people how they can become an ally for those who use Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) and visual supports.”

Who are we?

Joshlyn and Serene are two sisters who are passionate about creating a more inclusive space for all. Growing up as young carers for their autistic brother Chris, they have learnt all about the world of Visual Supports and Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC).

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Joshlyn is our co-founder and Certified Practising Speech Pathologist. She is a registered speech pathologist with over 7 years of work experience in the disability space.

Learn more about our speech therapy consultations.

Speech Therapy

Serene is our co-founder & CEO. Serene is a State Coordinator at Special Olympics Australia and has a postgraduate degree from the University of Sydney Business School.

Boris is our Therapy Administrative Assistant. Boris helps create our resources for you! Boris is a member of Arts Access Australia and plays table tennis in his spare time.